IMPACT Strategies Completes Two New Locations for Proper Brands

April 27, 2021 in Project Completion, Press Releases, Company News, Project News - Retail

When Proper Brands decided to venture into Missouri’s expanding retail cannabis industry, they partnered with IMPACT Strategies to launch their retail customer-experience locations. In collaboration with Eddy Design Group and Case Engineering, IMPACT Strategies has completed two new cannabis dispensaries, both of which were a dramatic repositioning of existing retail buildings located in South County and Warrenton, MO. Extensive work was performed on these building to fit the vision and desired experience for Proper Brands.

The interiors of both facilities feature design details in a modern apothecary feel, with high end millwork finishes, a crisp black and white design with light wood accents, botanicals, geometric fixtures, and midcentury modern furniture. Specialized security measures were taken in both locations with the installation of ballistics glass and drywall and specialty vaults. The building elevations had a full makeover for the rebranding to create a clean, modern architecture that is congruent with the Proper Brand experience.

“Everything we do at Proper revolves around quality, which is why we worked with IMPACT Strategies on our dispensary buildouts. Their professionalism, eye for detail, and excellent communication made the entire process easy,” says John Pennington. CEO of Proper Brands.

IMPACT Strategies delivers Confidence in Construction with their expertise in retail construction for stores such as Walgreens, Starbucks, HomeGoods, Panera, Dollar Tree, Old Navy, and many more.

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