Local 562 Plumbers & Pipefitters Union Training Center
IMPACT Strategies recently completed the state-of-the art facility that will serve generations to come as well as the current 4,500 members and 400 apprentices of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562. Located in Earth City, MO, on a five-acre lot adjacent to their headquarters, this two-story, 89,000 square-foot facility has energy efficient electrical and lighting systems, a water efficient plumbing system, and technologically advanced HVAC and dust collection systems. In addition to the 50 welding booths and several technology-equipped classrooms for continued education, there are offices, conference rooms, training labs, an auditorium style lecture hall, and fabrication and assembly areas with an overhead crane, a jib crane, and an electric traction elevator.
The building’s exterior is constructed of structural steel, 32-foot and 34-foot tilt-up concrete walls, and masonry. Environmentally friendly drainage system that uses permeable pavers were also installed to filter rainwater into bio-retention basins.