Fortune 500 Company

As a result of the COVID pandemic and with almost all of the companies personnel working off campus, the company made great use of time and decided to take this previously planned multi-year project and compress it to a two-year project which greatly reduced logistical cost. IMPACT Strategies partnered with the Fortune 500 Company as their Construction Manager and began work in January of 2021 to perform this massive remodel which provides a new, inviting, productive, technological, etc. workplace environment that is home to a multitude of departments within the Fortune 500 Company. This project consisted of heavy demolition, architectural improvements, mechanical & electrical improvements, fire suppression and fire alarm improvements, and audio-visual improvements. While on-site, IMPACT Strategies also managed the work of other ancillary projects on campus to provide further requested improvements.

Client: Fortune 500 Company Architect: Burns McDonnell Square Footage: 325,000

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